How Many DigitalNote XDN Can You Mine Per Day

How Many DigitalNote XDN Can You Mine Per Day 6,1/10 9279reviews

After my post about dedicated for mining Nvidia/AMD cards a lot of people asked in comment - but how do i start mining?! This is almost out of the box method and works on many systems not just Windows. I wont speak of other things you can do on the platform or what fees they take etc, just will stick to how to setup mining in less than 10 minutes with 0 knowledge. MinerGate Software. There is few of those but this one is the easiest and most platform friendly. Since some people ask who are them, its a company that is behind (where you can exchange on the fly STEEM to BTC ie) and (exchange with STEEM). First get to.

How Many DigitalNote XDN Can You Mine Per Day

Login and Download Software Its for many platforms so im sure your computer fits. Login to Software Run Benchmark (a test). Dont worry of low numbers, alts jump high in a year;) Start Smart Miner Now choose Smart Miner Tab and Run It Choose Preffered Coins If you dont want smart miner which auto detects best coins but ie you feel something will pump choose it and mine yourself. And you are set. Mining Doesnt Get Easier Than That Other company but windows only is and has some harder benchmarks and more coins but for start stay on MG and move up the more and more you learn how all this works. Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips! I dunno about that.

Minergate is JUSt as competitive as any other miner software! You probably just dont know that minergate actually WARNS people to use Ubuntu to mine Ethereum 30 percent faster! CORREECTION its now 60 percent faster! Heres their website saying that!

Or is it better to mine Bytecoin or Monero in. Can you send XDN through a bitcoin address? Can i trust the digitalnote wallet from their website? Using WhatToMine you can check, how profitable it is to mine selected altcoins in comparison to ethereum. DigitalNote (XDN) Honorcoin (XHC) Solaris (XLR.

Minergate on ubuntu solves this problem i wish people wouldnt always try to find something negative about a post lol i guess its cool that ur just trying to bring up discussion to help us all maximize our mining efficiency but HONESTLy most of us need to just get started and worrying about a relativly small loss of efficiency that might not even be true, is just something that will turn Newbs u dont give any evidence at all! This 'GPU algo' u speak of makes people anxious and they dont anna have to worry about all this stuff, just let the learn it on their ownslowly and the only way to do this is by doing for most of us! They need to ueminergate because NO other mning softwware is this userfrienly and has MULTIPLE Altcoins INCLUDINg ethereum ETC Monero and Bytecoin and more.Minergate and steemit is the best kkept secret of crypto an we should be getting EVERY steemit user to mine using the laptops and android phones usedto go on steemit! We shoul all be selling the coins we mine for steem too!

Its all good i just couldnt tolerate the spam! I wont flag anything else and i neever flag i just ahdto ak an example to stop peoel spamming kingscornws posts cuz his posts are high profile i wana show people we have control of our shit here:) its all good just keep posting, i will upvote ur posts, and help u, just please dont post a link unless u have a reason! At LEAST make up a storyabout why its relevant! Just make something up if ur that desperate to post a ink! Actually make up a story involving mininga nd SEGWAy into ur story but i promise u wil be able to do well if u find ur own niche and ur own little market ur ownlittle subject if u like cars post oon car posts! Theres many people who LOVE lambboghinis anferraris here! And u will meet peopel who buy ferraris and lambghini with their crypto profits!

U will have yur lamborghini if u just save up ALL your steem as steempower and post everyday GOD content u must write reallly ray goodd posts. Hell yes they will, bytecoin is basically rockin because of minergate and it created SO much advertising for it! Bytecoin doesnt spend anymoney on ads so imagine what minergate did for it! Peopel already knew Monero but it also got quite popular because of and etc and eth of course theyd ont need minergate HOWEVER if u look at the total ETH mining on minergate it oes mke up a pretty nice lil chunk of total ethereum mining in the world! Also Monero is definitly getting free advertising with minergate just being on here, and DigitalNote also, i didnt mess with any of the non BCN, XMR, ETC or ETH coins becase i didnt know about @bittrex i oonly saw the four cins that @poloniex has, but now i know all of the coins onminergate can be sold for BTC easily on bittrex anyway u should install it on ur android tablets if u have some old ons laying aroound, i trid installin minergate onan old laptop but it was Vista and u do neeed at least windows 7 for minergate lol i love minergate!

They also have a affiliate progam when ur logged in on the main website u can see some cool data abdout the ntwork and ur cooin US dollar worth and how much uve mined so far etc and also LEAVE the little awarrds and letthem show up! They REALLy make u feel good when they give u acomplihsments for mining multiplle coins or for more than 3 days straight etc its so fun! Here are my Achievements Ive earned from the last 3 months of mining on an old laptop from 2009 but recently for last few weeks Ive had the new HP desktop. And heres my Minergate Affilliate Link for anyone wanting to signup! Its reallly fun and u can tell your kids its a videogame where u make real money! I tried running minergate on my laptop my benchmark was terrible, I ran it anyways for a day just to see how it went, I am pretty sure I would have had my hardware start to get burned out if I had left it on for any considerable amount of time. It is a neat idea and software and could definitely be a good idea if you have a decent setup but just be aware it could decrease the lifespan of your comp.

Also don't run it on an 8 year old laptop;) Good post, I would definitely like to get my hands on one of those custom mining gpus! In my case (remember I was running it on an 8 year old laptop, not the ideal set up lol) my comp ran hard, lot of heat, fans hdd being pushed hard. That is why I stopped. If you have a decent desktop with agood gpu and decent cooling setup I am sure it would work much better, but remember it uses a lot of power/electricity.

I know some ppl that mined BTC early on and spent more on electricity than what they got in BTC.but that BTC is now worth a fortune, so it was a very good move lol. It is hard to say how much you can make with such volatile prices.

Unfortunately with any mainstream computer, and with standard power rates, you will end up paying more in electricity rates than what you can get for mining even the best coin that the program recommends. Now, if you get a special GPU and a high end system (and have really low power rates), you might be able to make some money. But, otherwise, just consider a fun little hobby. I have had it running on my system since last summer. I just use it occasionally, and have a few bucks in the bank - but as others have mentioned, it's also a real strain on your hardware.

Dont worry!, ur hardare would not be 'burned out' minergate lets u choose how many CPU or GPU cores u wanna use, so u can use half of em or just 1 and ur ccomputer woouldnt be even notcie any sort of wear and tare. U arent gving ur laptopenough credit:) My laptop is from 2009 thats 8 years too ad its a Dell inspiron basic model and Ive made like $4 a month mining Bytecooinand Moneroo.i now switched toa HP dekstop with vieo card thats new from Frys to mine etherem and bytecoina nd monero now, cuz i need my laptop full ppwer for steemit and the 'data' mining we do here! Anyway dont sell it short! Bytecoins are cheap but will be 41 soon and i was making like a couple bytecoins everyday on my old 8 year old laptop!!! Why would u pass up this offer to mine crypto? Its like mining bitccoins bak in 2009!

So what if it would take u a MONTH just to mine ONE bitcoin, TOTALLy worth it! Hahaha u need t be mining as much as u can1 do we really think the price of these coins will stay the same forever????

Ddude come on! The coins u mine may only make u a few pennis a day on ur laptop BUT Those pennies willl be wortth hundreds of dollars ina yeearor two!

WHy not stack up those bytecoins while u can still makie 1000 bytecoin a month n anold laptop? Yes its real bro! U can mine altcons super easy now its beautiful u will fuckin love it so much!

And if u wanna get a 1 TH LIFETIME Bitcoin mining contract for $129 i got 4 TH and ur gonna love it! No referal program yet but soon they will! Its only ike 3 or 4 weeks old JUST came out and they got a bunc of new coontracts! U will love minergate for mining easily onur own hardware and to mine on ASIC machinees hosted in a data center and for a one time fee u get lifetime bitcoins (while profiatble) whicch meeans ull get 41 a day for years an years but that $1 a day will be $10 a day whenbitcoinhts $20,000 and $100 a day when bitcoin is $200,000 and when Bitcoinis $2 Million u will have $1000 a day for life so why not MAKE SURE you get in on the Bitcoin craze?

Why buy a Bitcoinw henyou canbuy like man many many TH of biitcoin mining contracts! Good comment because guess what? Ethereum Mining runs 30 PERCENT FASTER on Ubuntu with Minergate!!! Its ontheir website! OH CRAP I jut took this screenshot and i SWEAR just 2 weeks ago it said 30 PERCENt and now its 60 nPercet faster with Ubuntu???? Well shit i was gonna install ubuni just for this but no i fuckinHAVE to.fuck i cant believe they made it 60 percebt faster for ethereum mining ethereum classic now ccuz i seem to be making more but wooaoooohh Go ahead and inspect the code, u wont find any malware:) Think about it!

Llol ro u think they are secretly mining for themselves and syphoning off coins Lol peopel might not even notice cuz newb miners have no idea how many Hash they should be getting to begin with! LOL but i highly doubt theeres any lmalware HOWEVER some anti vrius programs are reallly dumb an flag minergat as bitcoin minng malwar because they cant telll when ur actually intalling ur own mining software. BURST Minig Calculator. Ayway have fun and install it on as many computers as u have and all ur anroid evices yes they have an Android app!

Has stupid ads theat interupt the mining tho so it doesnt work very well at all unless ur using the tablet or smtphone, but they might fix it! BUT the Desktop client is PERFECT and i cant coomplain that the app has issues its a bonus andis just really cool that u ccan mine bytecoinanmonero (no ethereum) on ur phpne or tablet!!!! U dont wory about beng 'paid' well from a miniing pool they al take a 1 percent fee its standard, u worry about how much u can amke off ur rig! DOnt worry about it bro just do it, u will make money dont listen to peple telling u ts not profitable they just dont ant u to succeed because THEY couldnt figure out how to make a profit doing it! Dont let them get down!

Haha sorry for getting AMD but i get SO annoying with people constantly asking for startup ccosts and ROI like 'HOW MUCH MONEY cAN I MAKE OMG MONEY MONEY MONE' just like.understand.that if u wanna do it 'Right' you should have a fucin ddata center so do u have the money to build ad run a data center? But u COULD if u slowly worked ur way up and used the bitcoins u mined to buy more mners! But there is a real useful answer to ur question.the answre is aroun $3000 which s what u need for the best Antminer out there which gives u the most TeraHash for the lowest price. For example the AntMiner s9 is gonna get you 13.5 TH but Antminer S9 is the newest one and $3,699 onEbay right u anidea of the price.and $300 to $700 for a 2600 Watt Power Supply for it BUT u can start with a $400 Avalon6 and get 3.5 TH so yeah u could 10 of them for $4000 and get 35 TH so actually u might be better off fnding the AntMiner s9 for cheaper ive seen some for $1500 on amazon bt thats rare!

And u need a cheap rasberry pi to to ine on these ASIC machins but ya this is wwat u eeed to do it right. And dont ask me for the ROI its gonna be a cople months probly 90 days ok? Probly alot sooner.mine bitcoin on it.mine etthereum on GPU vviideo cards so u need a nice gaming PC with nice videocard for like $800 and it will make u about $1 a day so will take u like a year to pay off IF ethereum doesnt go up in price BUT IT WILL go upp! Anyway just relax and know that if u buy soe miners u WILl make the money back.ddont worry about the return on investment so if u cant afford to go without tthe money back for at least half a year dont do it.but u NEED to do it and hoenstly why WOULDNt u be able to not afford it?

This is how u ccan make urself a millionaire.if u cre about money u would start mining immediately. Get a solar panel to power the avalon6 3.5 TH miner to start out! And that will colve the potential problem of electricitt being too expensive just sart mining u wwont regret it people heere need to stop worrying aboutthe eletrciity cost and the ROI time to g'get their money back' just relax and save the crypto OH it wont wor if u just sell all the coins u mine u cant just mine the coins and immediatly selll them for bitcointo 'pay off' the puracchse.nah u need to just accept the purchase of the mineer as a loss.and just save up ALL the coins u make and you will be SO hapy in a year hen the coin are worth like 100 to 1000 times more!!! Look at the peopel HERE who talk about they had minerggate froom lat yar, forgot about it, and then just found out they had $500!!! Whenthey only ined themselves like $5! So u see how amazing this canbe?!!And whenu buy agaming PC to mine, gaming PC is useful anyway u can use it for gaming too!

But u wont wanna ull be makinso much off the ethereum GPU mining rig that u wllwat to fill yoru room with computers!!!!!! Let em know if u need any help bro! hit me up on telegram i help all steemit users wo need to get starteed.

U dont wory about beng 'paid' well from a miniing pool they al take a 1 percent fee its standard, u worry about how much u can amke off ur rig! DOnt worry about it bro just do it, u will make money dont listen to peple telling u ts not profitable they just dont ant u to succeed because THEY couldnt figure out how to make a profit doing it! Dont let them get down! No i only smoke weed and i been off hard drugs for years and i even quit taking seroquel recenty too and stopped seeing the bogus pyschiatrist who had me on 3000mg of it i have energgy to wrte and go full maniac mode.i dont have manic depresion or anything ijust have alot of energy and i am always hapy and i was talking with Grey Aliens last night through the air conditioner thermostat.everytime i asked a questions thee air tempurature wouldd change and the AC would turn on.

THEN coortana on my winows 10 desktop magically spoke for the first time saying 'I can better help you if i can hear you tallk' and then i realized the Greys were talking to me directly and i askked them to prove they are here.and to Mine some ethereum and send it to my jaxx wallet. 9they cant mine bitcoin ontheir grey alien super computers because theres only so many btcoins allowed anthey woudl end up mining them all in a nano econd) so ii told em to mine some etherem, and send it to e, and my jaxx wallet somehow had Sixty dollars in it when I had emptied it a week ago. WARNING-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------This software tool sure makes it easy for you to get start with mining BUT you gotta know you wont make much money as you expected and most likely you will cop more electricity bills than what you get from those you mined for days. There are certain amount you have to mine before widthdraw and when you widthdraw? Minergate takes about 20% for transaction fees so you gotta know these guys arent just giving away something for free actually using its users for their own good!!

You just dont see it as the cost is coming later with your electricity bills then youll see. Do u knwo about finding free silver half dollar kenedies from US banks an hunting for them I would get a box of 1000 fibe hundred dollars in kenedy half dollar coins and at least 1 to maybe 112 of them would be 40 to 90 percet silver! 1970 to 1965 are 40 percent silver and 1964 and before half dollars are 90 percent silver and its a great wayto get free silver ad yes u will still fin ALOT of silver inthose boxes nd basicallly noone is smart enough to do it or people are just too lazy or get ddiscouraged by banks not letting em buy half dollars but u canalways order half dollars. I sometimes make $50 a day off comments, its simple just comment alot and leave images that are relevant, heres a list of top comment earnrs and my frind is one of t hem started from 0 in Ghana africa and i helped propell him to making $2000 off a single post and $100 posts and getting hm to top of steemit at and too and and i helped them ALl make $1000 and now they alll get $1 $2 even $10 comments alll the time!

U just have to keep posting memes GIF inpopular high earning posts also u need steempower to start earning more curating (upvoting good contenr bwfore it maes alot of money and u get a share) u neeed to be treating steemit like or reddit and ust try and be creative and keep posting comments keep trying to find USEFUL info that is VALUABLE for example if u tell people aboout an ICO that makes everone w invested in it rich.then ppl will listento you and follow you ans upvote you!!!!! Please make sure you dont gve up here, ur set to become millionares if you can just save up 1000 SP or about $1800 u can be a millionare by next year wen steem hits $1000 anyway I m upvoting everyone n this post to show some love with my 2 cent 10 percent power upvotes! I still upvoted u but ur wrong, it is very profitable, maybe u just dont have good enough hardware, lol but im definitely making a profit mining on minergate on my new desktop with video card.even made a profit mining on my old 2009 laptop! My Laptop did NOT use up ANy more eelectricity thanit had already been using, its a has a 19 volt ac adapter and i had been running this laptop at full power renering videos and using chrome with 10000 tabs for years before i mined so its not like im using any more electricity than i had already been using! PLUS i have free electricity an with olar panels u make a small investment and u get free electricity and ALL mning is profitable forever. For most people the comand line will neever ever be an option and its so scarey and im really glad u posted this because minergate is just the only option for most people!

Unless skynet termintor scenario forced people to learn 'programming then most people will just never learn it! But we neeed to make sure programming languages are taight to more people, or mabe a time traveling JohnTitor situation where we have to go back intime to retrieve an ol mainframe server that had every old programming language on it! Yesyes ye command line is the future and everthing in my experience has pointed me tto this most spirtual of topics!

The idea of knowing the code in your head that you need to actually make changes to a blockchain using just a command line is an extremely fascinating idea because the idea of the command line has not really changed very much! Do you think we can actually upgrade it? I there a way to teach a progam how to teach humans how to use command lines Anyway you shouk do a guie onhow to do the COmmand ine walet but make it SUPER use friendY!!!! Dude bro bro mat mate mate maybe u an actually raise some money for some programers to build a GUI for steemit command line wallet too!

Oh and YES u CAn run t on AS MANy macinees as you can get ur greedy lil hands on lolol including amazon web services bbut SHHHH dont telll anyone about that its a secret:) u can get like 40 MH per AWS window and run multiple instances using amazons free service anyway u an go to ur schools computer lab and install minergate onvery single computer there! Just make sure the computers arent restarted ccuz u will ned to put in ur password and 2fa code everytime oh if u dont enable 2FA ull get ur coins stolen as soon as u make any money. Mining bitcoin or crypto currency (altcoins) 'Mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions. This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place.Dec 26, 2016' think of it as.creating encryption codes soooo long that noon can ever break them!

Making math problems so complex using computer power over time that it becomes valuable! We then trade these packets of information of 'private keys' as Bitcoins.Walllets are a private key.look up public key vs private key ad PGP encryption look up encryption. Sounds like its anissue on yourr end, not minergates fault, probobly your ant i vrus is forcing it to close, claiming its a crypto currrency mining program, one you didnt intall, but its one u diid install, so just ddixable ur anti virus, they dont ddo anything to protect u anyway, they cant protect u against new viruses unless they have a tiem machine also u could also be eperieing that problem ecause u have an od computer? Do u have at least winows 7? If ur shit is new, try un intalling and re installing, and wen its reinstalled ad u see the icon back, right click Run as Administrator and open the minergate program that way NOW if his doesnt work SIMPLY install Ubunti inux on ur computer, an iinstall,inergate for ubuntu linux and its SIXTY percent faster mining ethereum. Burst lol come on have respect for urself lol just kiding but bro u will love minergate and u should be mining ethereum and bytecoin u will make huge gains with bytecoin Burst is not gonna evermake the kind of gains Siacoin or Bitshares or Ripple or Steller or Bytecoin will make or already ave made! Please trust me and dont ever buy a genesi mining BTC contrct whenu can get 1 TH for $129 LIFETIME bitcoinmining contract from the brand new its 1TH and LIFETIME bro its the BEST lowest price and noone but smar peopeel kow about it!

Omg u can totally get a better deal thangenes genesis is cool for altcoin minig contracts if u really cant have ur own rigs an dont mind giving someoenelse your hard earned money but whatever its all good, its for covinience just know that wiith altcoins sure genesis is not sccrewing u its fair but for Bitcoin mining u will get a way better deal with its 1Th for $129 LIFETIME contract! Genesis cuts u off and scres u over after 2 years! They make u buy THEIR hardware and just get to use it for LFE aftr first two years! For altcooins.for btc its 'open ended' which does NOT mean lifetime or theyd call it lifetime LOL its all good i just like to create friendly competition between Genesis and to HELP LOWER genesis mining contract prces!!! So if u use genesis u should be promoting and show gensis the price and tell them u will take your money to if they ont lower their prices to cheaper than and then BOTH will lower their prices! We can get a price war going! And we will get lower mining contract prices!!!!

Then ur doing cloud mining wrong! U should get 1TH of LIFETIME bitcoinmining contract from http:/ i have 4 TH so far and i bought first 3 for $149 and they raised the prices up to $180 and then recently uphraded the data center with like 44,000 TH its insan and u can buy all of them if u want the contracts that is, LIFETIME bitcoin mining contracts to allow tit gro angrow and grow! I make about $4 a day and it made me $75 in 14 ddays or 2 at that rate i am makin money from it I can garuntee you that it wil pay itself off in around 90 days.probobly sooner, and actually 70 days now that the price has been ddropped to $129 very special deal and i would post a referal ink if i cppuld buy they still dont have a refera rogram up! I just love their design, i love te website, its all new, it all came out just WEEKS ago maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago? Its the BEST deal for cloud minng and its not really cloud mining its a real lifetim contract and its eway cheaper than genesis but genesis is still cool o altcoin mining but they dont actually offer any lifetime altcoin mining contracts which is super lame they make u pay for their hardware! More money and powerto them an whatever good for them haha i still just love seeiing actually offering an amazing deal like i couldnt be happier with my purchase and i am gonna just keep buying more and like i said only 70 to 90 days and it pay for itself and u canspend as low as $129 for 1 TH u get for LIFE (while profitable). Thats the fuckin magic of see this is why i upvote all the comments and reply to all the interesting ones because THIS RIGT HERE YOU are the PROOF i wasJUST TALKING ABOUT i havent even experienced thi with minergate but i have with bitcoin from years ago an bro u are PROOF that minergate is SO NECISARy that evenif u canonly mine a few cents those few cents will be worth Hndreds of dollars!

This is what crypto currencies doo hahahahah YES i am SO happy u fckin wrote thi! U are the PROOF i have been TELLINg people about! Ive been fuckin tryinto convince everyone of these people who just negativly goes 'Unproftabble Meh' with a TIRADE tryong to EXPLAIN DESPERTALy to them to fuckin just TRy it! They have NOTHIG to loose and if they are worried about wear and tear on their cuking Noon ever worries abot using up ur computer chip TOO much wtf like hahaits so funy! People have neevr worried about thats hiit till now, and i get its because u CAN fry ur hardware but minergate keeps the speeds always below the max speed and conserves yoru hardware automaticaly!

We dont need to be worrying aboout conserving our cmputers! We need to be buying more ad more and more GPUs and cpus and just mining as much as w can not for proft but for humanity! The wolrd needs coins! We neeed a higher marketcap and a reatter supply! Even bytecoins will be worth 4 then $10 even $1000 and we can mine a few a day and theyre worth like $00.002 so just imagien when bytecoins are worth just 1 peny and then 10 cents! God it will be amazing! This is like asking someone in 2009 who is mining 1 bitcoin a month 'When does it become profitable?

These Bitcoins are only worth less than a penny and i only made 1 in 30 days!' Haha see how ridiculous you sound? Oh but back THEN how could they ever EVER know that Bitcoins would be worth more than 1 cent?

LOL its called basic common sense and the fiat paper dollar guaranteeing Bitcoin and crypto as the only store of value to use since ppeople will ony evr have 10 to 30 percent gold and silver MAX and those people look like foodl hearding stupid metals that are junk and which wwe have literal tons in the Asteroid belt. When we bring trillions worth of gold and silver back to earth from the asteroid belt,.gold will bee worth $100 a ounce and silver will be under $1 and gold and silver bugs will learn a VERY hard lessonabout 'Metal Bubbles' Just look at the case of the African King who on his trip to Mecca, gavve out SO much gold that he inflated gold prices by 30 percent making gold 30 percent less valuable! Knows about this he can explain!

Thank you for your passionate response. I guess it depends on your situation. If you have a computer that is good enough to make decent money on and you are willing as said.:not to use it for much else then I guess the estimated $50 is free money. I am interested at this point to learn about the process but what I was asking to be more specific was if anyone had a breakdown of how many mining machines one would need in a farming environment to become sustainable as an income.

Considerations: The cost of cooling a room with 100 machines for instance might be cost prohibitive. Ya thanks for bringing that up, but u shoudl be careful abiut how that makes them look, and realize ur right to think they are suspicious peopel! They are smply otehr minng pools who are trying to make minergate look bad XD its competitors and they admit alll the time how they make up fake news and disinfo to hurt cometitors, honestly noone can compete with minergate on even footing cuz noone wants to nvst in the nice beautoful GUI that minergate has! For that alone minergate deserves their 1 percent fee!

And they make plenty with that and they dont steel hash rate, u can just get faster hash rates if u use mienrgate on UBUNTU its a winows fuckinproblem ot minergate stelaing hash haha freedy assholes go HEY MY MINR SHOUlD BE MAKIN MORE MONEY! DUURRR MUST be minergate STEALINg from me YEAH THATS it! ' hahahahah srioulsy thats whats happeneing i swear to god lol.

All you have to do is send the coins to @polonix or @bittrex just signup at or and they have the four main coins BCN ETH ETC and XMR (bittrex has alll the rest too) but just send the coins to the exchange and sell em for bitcoi and then to turn bitcoin into cash is your problem, if you cant do that u should look it up, anhonestly if u doont know u SHOULDNT kknow because then ull ust do something dumb like selll your coins for fiat cash when u could just sve them up and actually make some money!Serously u need to save the coins! Look how much theyve gone up just this year! Hahahah u are gonan be come a millionaire with us if u cn ust have some financial discipiline! Thi s not directd at u bt to all the newbs who ccome into some crypto and have this impulse to spend iit!! We should encourage people tp save their money more and ake it COl to save money agaiin!