How Much Money Can I Make From Peercoin PPC Mining

How Much Money Can I Make From Peercoin PPC Mining 9,2/10 576reviews

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Once the world realizes what Peercoin has to offer, it will have the exact same maniac buying that Bitcoin has now, probably more. Whatever you are holding now, I think you can consider 1 PPC equal to or greater than 1 BTC in the next year or two. By spring of 2014, Peercoin will be well above $50/coin without needing to pump it in my opinion.

Sunny King did the right thing. He designed the network to be solid first and foremost, and then decided to work on newer, prettier versions of the wallet client second.

Unfortunately I've seen other 'lesser coins' be nothing but pump and dump schemes. Peercoin was designed, purposely, for the long term. Certainly, it's possible to see that PPC could be, ultimately, worth more than BTC, even if there are more (full) PPC in existence. While this seems counter-intuitive, if all things are considered equal, you only have to look so far as how fungible the currency is. For BTC, with the ability to move to the 8th decimal point, you have a nearly limitless number of units in circulation. With PPC, the static transaction fee is a significant hedge against anyone using the currency to conduct business past 2 decimal places.

195 GH/s on the D7 mining pool: 9 PPC / day So running ~400 GH/s will net you somewhere in the neighborhood of 39 - 41 PPC per day, at the current difficulty (28,893,016.517580). Note, it's been going down slightly every block, presumably as people shift their hashing power back to BTC because of the changes in prices over the last couple of days. PPC – Peercoin. Recommended PPC mining pool. I’d like to invest a small amount of money. (I don’t have much). Oct 27, 2017 - 31 Day(s) (can vary greatly depending on your luck) Days to generate one BTC: 1013 Hello, I would like to start solo mining PPC coin, but there ins't a lot of information. Anonymous 'Thanks to Bitcoin Cloud Mining I am Get Peercoin price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info PPC How to make money? Additionally, the higher transaction fee does not make sense to me. If you think PPC as a gold equivalent, you are limiting the potential value, as gold makes up a tiny fraction of the world's money supply. How much gold do you own vs. How much money you have? For most people it won't even make up.

Now, for things like Proof-of-Stake rewards, being divisible down to the 8th decimal point is very important. You don't want to lose any of those micro payments, because over time they will accumulate to be full PPC, but for all intents and purposes, Peercoin's 2,000,000,000 ('uncapped') potential units in circulation is vastly smaller than BTC's 21,000,000 units, when you consider that BTC is really going to be separated into 2,099,999,999,999,999 satoshi. That's a HUGE number, and one that most people either don't realize exists, or gloss over because it doesn't fit the narrative. With PPC, there's realistically going to be ~30,000,000 units in circulation, and if you take it down to the 'one cent', it's 3,000,000,000 units -- which, if my math is correct tonight, will only amount to 0.1% of the total BTC supply. Peercoin purposely set its transaction fee at a fixed 0.01. When I first heard that, I thought, OMG why did Sunny King do that?

That's the genius of it all, it was done on purpose, keep reading. Which means that the transaction fee can be expensive once PPC is more than $1/coin, because no longer is it 0.01 PPC = 0.01 USD a transaction fee, right?

Right now 1 PPC is $7.00/coin. To transfer 1 PPC, it will cost you 0.07 USD = 0.01 PPC So consider the fact that as of today (Nov 30, 2013) to transfer $7.00 USD (1 PPC) around the world, will cost you 7 cents (0.01) PPC - that is a fair price for such a transfer. Now let's look toward the future of Peercoin / PPC: BUT! THE TRANSACTION FEE STILL STAYS AT 0.01 PPC.

While I agree that Peercoin is a significant improvement on Bitcoin, many of your arguments are quite frankly just silly. Comparing the 'number of coins' to how many of the smallest units are available serves little purpose when comparing values. Imagine for a moment that the smallest unit of measure was changed from a 1 cent coin to a 5 cent coin.

Would that make the currency worth 1/5 as much? Of course not. It may make it less useful for micro transactions, but has little to do with the value. Additionally, the higher transaction fee does not make sense to me.

If you think PPC as a gold equivalent, you are limiting the potential value, as gold makes up a tiny fraction of the world's money supply. How much gold do you own vs. How much money you have? For most people it won't even make up 0.1% (excluding jewellery).

If you want PPC to have maximum value, it needs to be something that makes sense to transact with, not just something to hold. Imagine a PPC value of $100,000. That would translate to a minimum transaction fee of $1,000, which then makes it worse than current banking systems in terms of the fee structure.

While I love many of the concepts in PPC, there are some fundamental economic value issues that a lot of the community seems ignorant of, and that is a concern to me. PPC is designed to be a stable 'backbone currency' and intended to be used as a secure, long term storage of wealth similar to gold or a 1 year maturity treasury bond. In your example, your $1000 would receive 1% interest (inflation) via POS mining in 1 year giving you $1010. If you spent the money then the fixed 0.01PPC transaction fee would be a $10 reduction in your money leaving you with the original $1000. That's how the fees are destroyed.

Conversely, if you kept your $1000 in BTC then you'd incur a reduction in purchasing power by the amount of the miner's fee. But that's actually not a great example because it uses dollars rather than PPC. A real example would be: Say you have 1PPC and hold it for 5 years then it'd be worth 1.05101005 PPC.

If you made a transaction, it would cost 0.01PPC leaving you with 1.04101005 PPC. That's a far better option than holding 1BTC for five years and then incurring a transaction fee with no interest. So PPC has a different purpose than BTC/LTC/etc. It's intended for savings rather than microtransactions; however, microtransactions could still be done effectively using third-party financial services or other currencies such as BTC/LTC/XPM. If you want PPC to have maximum value, it needs to be something that makes sense to transact with, not just something to hold. Imagine a PPC value of $100,000.

That would translate to a minimum transaction fee of $1,000, which then makes it worse than current banking systems in terms of the fee structure. Aren't you overlooking the fact that PPC has a 1% inflation? That means that if you hold the $100,000 for the maximum maturity in coin days (90 days I believe) then it would accumulate a $1000 in interest giving you a total of $101000.

When you make a transaction of.01 PPC, it sounds high because it's $1000; however, there's no change in the money supply or your purchasing power. You're still left with $100,000. So the fixed.01PPC transaction fee works with the 1% inflation to destroy the transaction fee. PPC is designed to be a 'backbone currency' for secure, long term savings akin to gold or a 1 year maturity bond rather than being used for microtransactions.But only if you're making a single transaction per year. And really, it's much more like the fee is destroying the inflation, not the other way around.

Thats not entirely accurate. For example, if you have 1PPC and hold it for 5 years then it'd be worth 1.05101005 PPC. If you made a transaction, it would cost 0.01PPC leaving you with 1.04101005 PPC. Miner Cpu Dash DASH. The fee would only destroy the inflation if you only held it for a year or less which in that case. Which you'd probably either use a third party financial service (for near-zero fees) or a different currency such as BTC/LTC/XPM for short term or micro transactions. Yes, we need fees to make the transaction processing viable, but it should be a fee determined by the market (just like the price) and not by a single individual based on not much more than gut feel.

The fee isn't determined by 'a single individual based on not much more than gut feel'. The fee structure is a part of the coins' philosophical design in order to achieve its goal of being a secure 'backbone currency'. It's intended to be used as a long term store of value like a treasury bond, savings account, or gold rather than being used in short term micro transactions. Other coins like BTC/LTC/XPM/etc are better for that use. But if you need a savings account then PPC is fantastic. For example, if you have 1PPC and hold it for 5 years then it'd be worth 1.05101005 PPC. If you made a transaction, it would cost 0.01PPC leaving you with 1.04101005 PPC.

This is a better option for long term savers than BTC because holding 1BTC over five years would generate no interest and then incur a fee which would further reduce your purchasing power. If you don't agree with that philosophy or don't feel you'd benefit from having a savings account in cryptocurrencies then don't buy PPC.

But I think such a thing is needed in cryptos and a great offering. The fee isn't determined by 'a single individual based on not much more than gut feel'. The fee structure is a part of the coins' philosophical design in order to achieve its goal of being a secure 'backbone currency'. There is no such thing as a 'backbone currency' that isn't also the major currency of trade. If you're thinking of gold as a backbone currency, you are about 80 years out of touch with reality.

A backbone currency sounds like a nice thing, but it's a fantasy. If you want Peercoin to reach its potential, it needs to be the major currency of transaction. There is no such thing as a 'backbone currency' that isn't also the major currency of trade. If you're thinking of gold as a backbone currency, you are about 80 years out of touch with reality. Gemini Bytecoin BCN here. A backbone currency sounds like a nice thing, but it's a fantasy.

This is all highly inaccurate. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China) so it's actively used in trade today. In addition, IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are also used for reserves like backbone currency for settlements but it's not a major currency of trade like found on the FOREX.

And bonds like treasuries are use all the time in trade and considered a safe monetary asset. Which PPC most closely resembles. People don't use bonds or savings accounts in day-to-day transactions but are essential for our financial system and account for the majority of the money supply. PPC is looking to achieve a similar role.

Estimated Expected Cryptocurrency Earnings The estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings are based on a statistical calculation using the values entered and do not account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuations, stale/reject/orphan rates, and a pool's efficiency. If you are mining using a pool, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on the pool's efficiency, stale/reject/orphan rate, and fees. If you are mining solo, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on your luck and stale/reject/orphan rate. Time Frame PPC Coins BTC (PPC/BTC at 0.00041500) USD (BTC at $8,683.40) Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.09106042 0.00003779 $0.33 $0.26 $0.00 $0.07 Daily 2.18545017 0.00090696 $7.88 $6.24 $0.00 $1.64 Weekly 6 0.00634873 $55.13 $43.68 $0.00 $11.45 Monthly 65.5635 0.0272 $236.27 $187.20 $0.00 $49.07 Annually 797.6893 0.3310 $2,874.56 $2,277.60 $0.00 $596.96.