Minimum SmartCash SMART Amount

Minimum SmartCash SMART Amount 5,6/10 5863reviews
Minimum SmartCash SMART Amount

BTC Fees Update Due to the high miners fees on the bitcoin network we will be introducing a minimum deposit fee on the 17th of January. Any deposit of less than 0. How To Hshare HSR Mining Windows. 05 BTC will incur a fee of 0.0008 BTC. Deposits of equal to or less than 0.0008 will not be credited into a users account. has been spending close to or in excess of 3 BTC per day to dust clean smaller transactions out of our wallet. This is not sustainable.

SMART / BTC Market. SmartCash (SMART). Due to the high miners fees on the bitcoin network we will be introducing a minimum deposit fee on the 17th of January.

The minimum deposit fee will be used to help us group small transactions into larger outputs. Hopefully lightning network clients will be released soon which we can integrate into our system that will reduce BTC withdrawal fees. That will allow us to completely remove minimum deposit fees. In the meantime we will endevour to add more LTC, ETH and DOGE markets as well as adding a new QTUM base market.