Raspberry Pi MonaCoin MONA Miner

Raspberry Pi MonaCoin MONA Miner 5,7/10 314reviews
Raspberry Pi MonaCoin MONA Miner

Lets dive deeper and having more fun with mining by utilizing our GPUs on the SBC to mine crypto currency. If you missed my last post about mining please go check it out. This is not much different other then using the GPU. We do it cause it’s fun!!

Equipment List Raspberry Pi 3 ► Asus TinkerBoard ► Khadas Vim 2 ► Software List Etcher ► git cpuminer ► GPU Crypto Mining on SBC Step 1: Install OS of choice First you will need to download OS. In this case i will be using TinkerOS Now we will need a piece of software called etcher to write the image onto our SD card and USB Storage device. Step 2: Check for updates It is always a good idea to check for updates even if it is a freshly installed OS. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade Step 3: Compiling We are going to first start with grabbing all the dependence needed to compiled the software we need with this apt-get command below $ sudo apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev make g++ git libgmp-dev opencl-headers libncurses5-dev libtool Now it’s time to clone the source codes for the miner from my git which i have forked from the original creator. This mean any changes or updates the created adds will not effect us and you should check with his code regularly.

$ git clone With the dependencies and source code in place, now it’s time to get into it and start generating the files we need to compile the miner. $ cd sgminer $ git submodule init $ git submodule update $ autoreconf -i Compiler flags are needed to improve software, depending on hardware and what the gcc can do, you only have limited options. This compiler flag you will be inputting applies to raspberry pi and tinkerboard but not the VIM2 do you see what I mean? Essentially you can not use the CFLAG options at all just to test if the software will compile.

$ CFLAG='-O2 -march=native'./configure --disable-adl We are almost there!! Now it’s time to actually compile the software with the make command. Using the “-j#” options allows you to utilize the amount of cores you have on the device. $ make -j4 Compiling is complete. All we need to do now is point the software into a pool $./sgminer -k lyre2rev2 -o pool:8000 -u username -p password -w 64 -I 18 play around with the workload (-w) and the intensity (-I) to see if you can achieve higher hash rates. If everything is working as it should you should see a screen like this that’s it folks!!

If you have any question please leave a comment below!! I tried it with my oarangepi pc. Compiled fine, configure detected a GPU. Same problem: sgminer just exits. I recompiled it using –without-curses and now I see something: [17:59:28] Started sgminer [17:59:28] * using Jansson 2.7 [17:59:28] Error -1001: clGetPlatformsIDs failed (no OpenCL SDK installed?) [17:59:28] clDevicesNum returned error, no GPUs usable [17:59:28] All devices disabled, cannot mine! So i miss something.

It may be that de vanilla armbian image I use does not support opencl, having a trouble finding some usefull infro •.

DatTurban commented on a post in r/raspberry_pi. I'm only using a single 1080 and I make about 0.3 mona a day and. ---Monacoin---global miner ccminer.

The stats on MPH are hilariously inaccurate. I've seen the pool hash rate be almost 20k higher than the the reported global hashrate. Also just compared to supernova which is currently 35% of global hashrate, the math just doesnt add up.

Best SmartCash SMART Miner For The Money. I think this has to do to the auto switching algorithm that the MPH pool uses that gives such inaccurate numbers. A pooled 51% attack would have to actively involve every member in the pool and from what I can tell most noob miners are far too skittish and afraid of invalidating their shares/funds to ever actually follow through. Plus word and shame would get out almost immediately. Personally, I make a nice profit off mining. Yea I've gotta go to bittrex to sell but that's fine with me, not sure how you're losing 20-30% from fees but I live in Canada and I can mine mona with no issues.

I'm only using a single 1080 and I make about 0.3 mona a day and considering my electricity usage is flat rate built into my rent I make a good little profit, its not a quit my job and mine 24/7 kinda profit but an extra few dollars every month helps. That and I usually try to do some trading and I've made out pretty alright for just a hobby so far.

If you have get ahold of EthOS at I can help get you set up on that. Its a dedicated OS, its meant mainly for eth and such but you can get it to run several other coins. My local.conf looks like this ---Monacoin--- global miner ccminer ccminer=flags -a lyra2v2 maxgputemp 75 startumproxy enabled proxywallet username [this is your login name to supr] proxypool1 mona.suprnova.cc:2995 proxypool2 mona.suprnova.cc:2996 flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200 global fan 90 hope that helps. You can change alot of info in it etc but i just put the basics. Ufasoft Viacoin VIA Miner Exe here.

The worker name is the assigned name given at the top left of the screen when you first start up the machine typically a short string of some letters and numbers. From there you type in each command line. Ill number each line you'll need but be sure to not include the actual number.

For #4 your [username] is your login for suprnova, for example if mine were cold it would be proxywallet cold. As for the password all default passwords are set to 'x' in ethOS, so your workers password should be 'x'. 1.) ccminer=flags -a lyra2v2 2.) maxgputemp 75 3.) stratumproxy enabled 4.) proxywallet [username] 5.) proxypool1 mona.suprnova.cc:2995 6.) proxypool2 mona.suprnova.cc:2996 7.) global fan 90 After you have these perimeters set you save the file. (Sorry this is all done in the local.config log). Then in the command prompt you type in 'putconf && minestop'. This should upload the new save you did. Assuming youve also added your worker in suprnova you can then type in 'minestart'.

Then type in 'show miner' to see if connection and mining has actually begun.