How To Become A Zcash ZEC Miner

How To Become A Zcash ZEC Miner 8,1/10 7519reviews

In this guide we will be mining Zcash (ZEC) with Nvidia GPUs and mining it from the mining pool Flypool. Mining Zcash with EWBF’s Cuda Miner – What you’ll need To mine Zcash with EWBF’s Cuda Miner you will need: • A GPU Mining Rig (with Nvdia GPUs) running Windows or Linux • A Zcash wallet to deposit your mined ZEC into If you’re at the phase of building a mining rig, check out our guide. The 3-part tutorial walks through each and every step to get your up and mining with as little hassle as possible.

Step 1: Download and install EWBF’s CUDA Zcash miner EWBF’s CUDA Zcash miner is available from a few different sources. We recommend downloading it from the official git repository. The version of the Zcash miner that we are running is 0.3.4b. • Navigate to the repository for on github • Download the version appropriate for your platform (Windows or Linux) • We recommend the compiled binaries. Download the version appropriate for your hardware and OS: • for Windows • Zec.miner.0.3.4b.Linux.Bin.tar.gz for Linux • if you want to compile the miner yourself, download the most recent version of the source code for your operating system. • Uncompress the archive you downloaded in a convenient location (such as the desktop) • If compiling your own binaries, do so now Step 2: Review a batch file for starting the Zcash miner We’ll be starting the miner using a simple text file that tells the operating system to launch the mining program.

How To Become A Zcash ZEC Miner

It also allows the configuration of settings when EWBF starts. These files can be created an edited with any text editor. On the Windows platform, the correct file extension is.bat. On Linux, it is.cmd. Our batch file for mining Zcash at Flypool Below is an example of a batch file that we use on one of our Windows-based mining rigs. Everything is contained in a single line in the.bat file.

That single line specifies the program to be run (miner) and a few settings that customize the miner’s activity. Finally, and most importantly, one of Zcash wallet addresses is specified so mined Zcash goes to the right place.

Here’s the.bat file that we are currently using to start mining. Scroll to see all of it’s contents if necessary. Miner --server --port 3333 --user t1HuKRfQbdfrTXVZ55C1M41kohJDEsS4Cpw.gpu0r18 --pass z --api --tempunits C --r 120 --log Two minus signs indicate variables or settings that will be supplied to the miner when it starts. Whatever directly follows a minus sign and setting is the value for the mining software to use.

Let’s go through each in this file. Variable What it is --server The URL of the mining server --port The port required by the server for mining Zcash --user The Zcash wallet address and the name of the mining rig that is mining separated by a period --pass Password is not used by Flypool, but you must supply something. We use a ‘z’ --api (optional) No value required --templimit (optional) Instructs the miner to stop any card mining above the temperature indicated --tempunits (optional) Specifies whether temperature units should be expressed in F or C --r (optional) Tells the miner to automatically restart by the value in minutes --log (optional) Stores a local log of the miner’s activity The settings not marked as optional are the bare minimum that must be used to mine ZEC at flypool. Optional EWBF settings we currently use As you can see, we’ve also included several optional settings. Here’s what they do and why we are using them: • –api – Adding this to the batch file allows you to monitor the miner’s progress with a web browser • –tempunits – We set our temperature unit to Celsius to correlate with our overclocking software • –r – We’ve unfortunately found that EWBF crashes randomly, regardless of our overclocking.

–rr 120 forces the miner to restart every two hours (120 minutes) whether it needs to or not. • –log – When a miner crashes it’s good to be able to see how it was behaving right before it crashed. By specifying –log, a log file is placed in the same folder as EWBF’s Cuda Zcash Miner. Step 3: Configure the miner with your settings Settings to mine Zcash at Flypool Now that you understand how the file that we’ll use to start Zcash works, all you need to do is to configure the settings for your mining rig: • Make a note of the Flypool Zcash server that is closest to your mining rig’s physical location • Asia: • China: • Europe: • United States: • In the folder containing EWBF’s Cuda Zcash Miner, create a memorable file name such as start_ZEC_flypool.bat. If your are on Linux, your file extension will be.cmd as opposed to.bat. • Open the file you just created in a text editor..

Become a Redditor. And subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Zcash miners using Zec.Miner.0.3.4b - Connectivity issue - help needed.

• Copy the entire line below that starts with ‘miner’ • Paste it into you file making the following changes: • change YOURSERVER to the Flypool server nearest to you • update YOURWALLET to your Zcash wallet address • set YOURRIG to the name of the mining rig you’re setting EWBF up for • Save the file miner --server YOURSERVER --port 3333 --user YOURWALLET.YOURRIG --pass z --api --log Step 4: Start mining You’re ready to start mining Zcash on Flypool! What you see when you start to mine Zcash with EWBF’s Zcash Cuda miner. • Double-click the file we just edited in Step 3 • A window will appear showing the miner’s progress as it connects to Flypool and starts mining Zcash. In Windows it will look like the image above. • That’s it, you’re mining Zcash from Flypool with EWBF’s Cuda Zcash Miner! • To check your mining progress on Flypool,. • At the top right-hand corner of the webpage, enter your Zcash wallet address and click the magnifying glass to find your miner.

• Since we included –api you can monitor the miner with a web browser as opposed to the command/terminal window. On the mining rig, navigate to in a web browser. You should see a screen like the one below.

Monitoring mining progress locally with EWBF’s Zcash Cuda Miner Having issues? There’s only a few things that can really go wrong.

They include: • Do note that when you start mining it can take a few minutes before Flypool acknowledges your miner. • One or more values were incorrectly set in the.bat or.cmd file • Something is wrong with your mining rig • Flypool is down (visit to verify their site is up and running) Next steps • Learn more about EWBF’s Cuda Zcash Miner – We’ve only exposed you to a few of the settings that are available for use when mining. In the folder with the miner in it, open the HELP.txt file to review all available settings. • If you haven’t already, learn about overclocking your video cards to tune your mining rig’s performance.

ZCash is the first zero knowledge crypto protocol. Zcash offers total payment confidentiality, while still maintaining a decentralized network using a public blockchain. Unlike Bitcoin, Zcash transactions automatically hide the sender, recipient, and value of all transactions on the blockchain. Only those with the correct view key can see the contents. Users have complete control and can opt-in to provide others with their view key at their discretion. For general Cryptocurrency discussion, please see.

If you're not mining or haven't been mining--don't start. Save your money and buy crypto directly instead. Zcash is an entire company construct, and is inferior to XMR (Monero). Ethereum hit a high of 380 in June. It fell to 180 about 2 to 3 weeks later and has literally been climbing steadily since then. Now back in ATH territory. I'd suggest you look into XMR, OMG, ARK, Lisk, Qtum, and of course BTC and LTC and even NEO.

Maybe even CVC. Ripple is highly speculative and is banker's tech to replace SWIFT wire transfer services protocol and anyone investing in that only HOPES the multiplier will kick in.XRP coin is pretty much useless and I don't see it as a viable coin longterm.

The entire mindset of Ripple investors: If I buy X amount and it reaches price X. I'll be rich, bish!!

Syscoin SYS Mining With Normal Pc. It's been chillin' at 0.18 for months, now in.20 territory. It's nowhere near its ATH Flawed strategy Imo Invest in sound, innovative tech that has historical price charts you can assess And lol if you dont know that a 1080 is a GPU, and if you think it's a computer, well, mining is definitely not for you!! You have to know how to troubleshoot computers and should be familiar with building them as well. It's clear that you do not have that skill set based on your array of questions. Put about $100 a week into BTC and see what happens after 6 months.

You can always exchange BTC for any other crypto. • • • • • • •. So, let's see, in order to make a decent profit mining ZEC, you'll have to get at least 4 video cards. 4 1080tis will pull in ~480/mo. That's approx $2800-3200 in gpu costs alone.

A mobo, psu, processor, ram, ssd or USB stick will only add to the costs. He will be close to 3500-3800 in the hole. Im not speculating, I actually research and read about projects and teams. I don't think Zcash has a future. Monero is decentralized and Zcash is enriching the founders of the company. It's an entire company construct.

Im sorry if you dont believe me, have a look for yourself: says the blocktime is 2.5 mins with a 12.5 ZEC reward per block. For the first four years, miners receive 80% and devs receive 20% of block rewards. Totals to $168,192,000 (in four years!).

Nothing speculative about that information. Monero only does private transactions using ring signatures, there is no other transaction type. It is impossible for anyone but the wallet owner to see any funds moving in or out of the address. ZCash makes it optional to go private or not which creates a dataset that can be used to interpret what might be going on privately. This is a fact, not speculative. The worst part of the optional privacy zcash provides is that it's so memory intensive that barely anyone has the inclination to use it. That means the vast majority of zcash transactions are not hidden at all.

Even have zsnarks coming to eth, teaming up trying to do what Monero can do better. Ask anyone, go make a post in Ethereum and other reddit subs, asking if it's still worth it to mine or should I just spend my ~3-4K and buy crypto directly. BTC is volatile, but it has historic price movements for almost nine years now.

If you're new to investing, I can understand the fear. However, I'm coming from the NYSE and I'm quite confident in my investments. Especially since I got involved with BTC in 2011 and Ethereum earlier this year (along with several other alts like LTC, XMR, OMG, ARK, 0x, and some others). Applying your logic--I could also die tomorrow or become a paraplegic, nothing is promised. My advice is based on assuming the original poster has a finite amount of cash. I have no idea how deep his or her pockets are, but when you tell someone to buy computer hardware to assemble and troubleshoot themselves when it's apparent they seem to be a novice computer user.

Well, this person has no idea how problematic it can be to get a mining rig to run steadily without having any issues whatsoever. There is a learning curve and when you are talking about other people's money, I'm not as careless as you. Im telling this person about a side of mining they might not have thought to consider. I'm not here to argue subjective viewpoint versus subjective viewpoint. • • • • • • •. Yeah😉 I was talking to someone else.

Good idea, my dude. Look into ARK, OmiseGo, Lisk, mayyyybe CVC, keep an eye on it last I checked it was around $0.49 Qtum got picked up on a big S Korean exchange and went from like 7 to 15 last I checked. I'm sure you know about XMR (Monero), LTC (Litecoin) and NEO If you already have the hardware by all means start mining!!

I've been mining ETH for a while now and exchanged a bunch for OMG at $6 and $7, it was around 11 last I checked it. Just basically anytime you get some spare cash throw it in crypto. • • • • • • •.