How To Mint Viacoin VIA

How To Mint Viacoin VIA 7,5/10 3864reviews

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I don't have much to disagree on everyone's comments and hopefully this will not offend any newcomers. I believe in general most coin collecters in cointalk are VERY passionate with what they collect. Sure, it would be very nice if every coin we collect appreciate in value. Reality wise, that doesn't happen to everything. If someone is to ask me what's likely to rise in value, I would be very weary and think twice with whom I'm talking - I most certainly don't want to be blamed if someone bombed several thousands of dollars in what I believe is profitable and turned out to be totally wrong.

How To Mint Viacoin VIA

These days there's just so much finger pointing when things go wrong and it's not funny when money comes into play. I believe the best value that you get from cointalk from various forum members is numismatic education, not investment advice. Click to expand.No offense to anyone but sometimes I think the experts, in any field, forget very easily where they started, the dumb questions they ask and that they did not know enough to even join in on a penny discussion.

In addition sometimes a search and read is useless, especially in the coin world, very quickly. As a 'newbie' do I feel particularly welcome here, sorry but the answer is no because I have seen people mowed down at the knees far to often and far to often that is done to a 'newbie'. There is no way in hades I would post a question here or even share a coin I bought etc. For fear of getting told I am a fool by the 'experts'. So all I ask is for you 'experts' to take a deep breath next time a newbie comes along with a question ask and answered a hundred times before, just pop in for that one and only time to ask 'what's this worth', post a coin that they obviously got taken on, post 10 quick replies to hit the magic 'now I can post my ads' etc. To remember when YOU were a newbie.

Cupcake - let me relate something to you and then you can think of it what you will. First of all, I am not an expert. And among all of the thousands of members here on this forum I can only think of 2, maybe 3 who I would even consider calling an expert. To me, expert is a word like rare. It is used way, way too often and very seldom is it ever used in its correct context.

Now that being said, back in 2002 when this forum first started it was a pretty slow place. Even I didn't sign up and join right away, I was a lurker just like many are today. But as usually happens a post was made that I just couldn't resist responding to and so I joined becoming member two hundred and something. Now people tell me today, often complain about it even, that I am too harsh, too abrubpt, too blunt if you will. And I put members old and new alike off because of the way I post and what I have to say.

And maybe they are right, I admit that I am blunt and to the point and I never sugarcoat anything. But as I said, when I first joined, the forum pretty much stayed a pretty slow place with not much activity. But then a few newbies started showing up asking questions.

Rarely did anybody else answer their questions. The membership we had back then consisted almost exclusively of PCGS, NGC and rcc forum members. There were one or two others who came from Numisadict, another forum that I used to moderate. And honestly, a lot of those people tended to just ignore newbies, or those who seemed like newbies.

So I began to answer their questions, just like I always did on any other forum. In fact, back then, I was often even asked why I bothered to make it a point to answer questions on not only this forum, but every other forum there was at the time. Most of which nobody here ever even heard of.

Ethereum ETHg Mining Calculator. My answer to them was this - because nobody else will and they deserve to be able to learn. In other words - somebody has to do it. Well one thing led to another and as word spread that newbies could come here to Coin Talk and be treated with respect and have their questions answered - more and more newbies began to show up. Soon they were coming in large numbers almost every day. More than a few of our oldest members here will remember this, many of them were newbies themselves when they came. Today, those same people are called experts by the newbies we get now.

Now my point is this - I have not changed one bit since the first day I got here. I have always been this way, my entire life. But if a guy like me, who as you put it - mowed newbies down at the knees, and who is thought of by more than few around here as being some sort of ogre or something - then what do you suppose it was that made this forum grow as much, as fast, and have so many loyal members who stay year after year? There must be something those newbies like about getting straight, no nonsense answers. There must be something they like about being told plainly - hey, you made a mistake. You see there is a big difference between telling a person they screwed up and making fun of them because they screwed up. The former happens a lot around here - the latter never happens, because it isn't allowed - not by me, not by Peter, and not by any of the other mods either.

So I submit to you that nobody around here has forgotten where they came from or how they started. And as I have already said, I can remember when a whole lot of them were as fresh as the driven snow. Today they answer the questions while I just sit back, smile, and feel proud of them.

Now I don't mean to single you out, there are others who feel just like you do. So this response of mine is for all of you. Perhaps you should take another look at what actually goes on around here. And this time keep an open mind and try not to be biased just because you have seen mistreatment of newbies elsewhere.

For as I said earlier, mistreatment doesn't happen around here - we don't allow it. Well, Doug, you have to remember that most of the people who seem to take exception to being told the honest truth have grown up in the 'all-included, nobody left behind, everyone gets a trophy' world. When you and I grew up if you didn't cut the mustard, you didn't make the team, and you went home and you practiced until you were good enough to make the team. And even then, if you didn't win, you lost and you didn't get a trophy.there were winners and losers. Thats the problem with these people today.everyone thinks they should be right, and be rewarded for being so, even when they're plainly wrong. If someone needs sugarcoated answers to everything they ask and can't handle a truthful response by someone like yourself who is always willing to spend the time to give one, then their problem lies with themselves, not you or anyone else. I say keep giving it as it is and never pander to emotional instability.that isn't good for anyone.

I was going to post this as a response to this thread but I didn't want to hijack the thread or have it lost in a different discussion. First, Tights24 thanks for clearing posting in there and clearing up exactly what the rules are for the forums.

I understand the idea behind attaching the post limit to selling here on the forums. I do have a bit of a question though that directly apply to me. I a coin collection from my grandfather. I am probably up to about 50 posts asking for help from this wonderful community and putting up pictures of my coins. The big thing is though, I am not a coin collector. I can see why people would enjoy it and why they would get so much pleasure from it but I am not one of those people. My goal is to get these coins into the hands of people who will enjoy them as much as my grandfather did.

I originally came here looking for information and trying to figure out what I had in my collection and the best way to go about organizing/categorizing them, but what I found instead is exactly the kind of people I want to have my coins. So after looking around a bit I see there is a 250 post minimum on selling on the forum. So here is my dilemma. I am not a coin collector so obviously my knowledge is well below virtually every person who posts here. I do try and post constructive comments in threads where I think I have something to add but without posting a 'Hi and welcome to the forums' post to every new user it will take me another 2 years or so to get to 250 posts. And actually it might be worse than that because the posts I am putting up about my coins will eventually start to run dry.

So is the 250 post limit really constructive to what you are trying to do? As I understand it you don't want to make these forums a dumping place for coins. But is the 250 post limit too high for non-coin people like me? Could it be switched to simply an age of your account? As I am an avid users of the internet and many forums I work really hard to not post frivolous or useless posts that are devoid of content so 250 posts is a lot of content in a field that I am lacking in knowledge.

Is the post limit also intended to help protect the new users having their collection cherry picked by the more experienced members of the forums? I am not trying to challenge the existing rule but I am trying to bring to light some issues that may have not been apparent to the people who first enacted the rule. Please feel free to ask me any questions or explain why this rule is working exactly as intended. Thanks in advance for reading that wall of text. PS - This is NOT some sneaky, underhanded method of trying to have people contact me to sell my coins. I will ABSOLUTELY not sell any coin to any member who contacts me through this forum or outside of it if it goes against the rules. I just want the moderators to understand the difficult situation that I have and see if there is any way that the rules might be changed to better deal with people like me.

*** Moved by Staff to a more appropriate forum. The post requirement serves the simple purpose of allowing us to get to know and trust you. Yes, it is that simple. The requirement used to be set at 50 posts, but it was too easy for a scam artist to reach that goal without raising any eyebrows. We had more than a few good and honest members burned by this type of charlatan. The 250 post limit was chosen because most grifters do not want to put that sort of effort into the con and those that do often get caught in a lie after so many posts. Is it perfect?

No, but it is better than what we had before, which was numerous complaints of deals gone wrong. This would be a good time to explain why the rules are written the way they are.

What you have to understand is, there are plenty of trolls out there who will go to extraordinary lengths to ingratiate themselves with a community, for the express purpose of ripping the membership off. It should be obvious why we hold potential sellers to more stringent rules than buyers - the buyer requirement is simply because we want members who are willing to stick around and be part of the community, with or without commerce. 90 days for a seller is actually on the low side; it's been my experience (having moderated sales forums prior to CCF) that people will spend far longer preparing to do their dirty deeds. They can afford to be patient; they're doing it at a dozen forums at once.

The post requirement is far more important in that regard. It's a pretty big commitment to offer 250 posts we'd consider 'quality,' and keep in mind we're watching and tracking people who come in and offer reams of one-liner posts.

That's in some honest people's nature, but it's also how you'd do it if your intent was not honorable. Two takeaways: 1) Job One here is to create and nurture long-term members. We don't want to be here just for commerce.

We're a family, not just a forum, and we want people who will be with us for the long term. 2) The strictness of the rules affects honest people as well as dishonest ones. We get that, we've agonized about it, and what we've settled on is what we feel safest. It's an unintended corollary that some will suffer for it, and chewy_27 is in that group. It's inevitable that some will be in his position - receiving an inheritance that they want to do the right thing with, while not having that spark driving them to enjoy collecting.

That's why we will so freely advise newer members as to appropriate venues for the disposition of coins. Quote: So is the 250 post limit really constructive to what you are trying to do?

Chewy_27, when I first started looking at this forum I also had the same thoughts. As I spent a little time answering queries and asking them also I came to the realization that the limits are there to vet those who are genuine and inhibit those who are less than scrupulous. By now you have seen for yourself some of the scammers on eBay, and most probably sought out a better or 'more' ethical hobbyist website / forum. Now you have found such a site, and seeing as how most of us felt this way at some point, have imposed a series of limitations try to keep that from happening to us again.

It all boils down to a lesser of two evils, vet or take your chances with your hard earned money like every other website. It's as simple as that! Time for the FatMan waddle dance - watch out it's gonna get ugly.

Thanks for all the great feedback folks. I hoped that I wouldn't offend/annoy anyone by asking about this and I am glad to see that is the way it landed. I now see that the 'non-collector' point of view was taken into consideration when the post rule was made. I was just worried that maybe the group that created the rule was made up of serious collectors and my point of view might not have been brought up, but obviously it was. I think my biggest problem is that I am not a scammer, so I just don't think like one. Obviously the members of this forums have fallen victim to unscrupulous people and this larger post limit was brought in to help stop the problems.

SsuperDdave said it best.