Top LBRY Credits LBC Mining Software

Top LBRY Credits LBC Mining Software 8,3/10 3435reviews

I have an nvidia system (1080 ti) on windows and was looking at mining on it, but I can't get it started. I tried ccminer and it works, but I.

Hey everyone out there, I really hope that you take your time read this because it has affected me very negatively over the past months. Away from that LBC Credits made me lose $50,000 going downwards. I forgave it and still believed in it. Luckily I only sent around 20K LBC of a larger investment into the software, the wallet app.

I updated the software and POOOFFF!! The money was gone, 0 Credits. From 20k to 0, in a heartbeat. That is not a problem, things happen and we can't always control it. HOWEVER, there has been some development in this, I have been trying to contact the LBRY team to receive help, I have been pushed around for months, no answer on reddit/email/facebook or any other place, but when I go into Slack, they kind of are forced to answer since it's public, every time I explain, I am banned from the channel. They have banned me OVER 8 times, I have had to create 8 email addresses just to be able to get my message over, last thing they said to me, without even giving me 1 minute to read it (I had to recreate and email and go in again just to read it) and after that they have been banning me constantly, no explanations except for accusing me of being a scammer and being very very rude and intolerant, I have been trying so bad just to receive an answer, they have been neglecting it totally.

I ask of you, with the deepest regards and wishes from my heart. DO NOT BUY LBRY CREDITS, DO NOT USE THIS APP/SOFTWARE or whatever it is supposed to be.

Top LBRY Credits LBC Mining Software

IF you own any LBRY credits, PLEASE sell them, I promise you that you are better of without it. I have also taken screenshots along the talk with those guys because I have been full of aware of their repulsive actions. I also will report them to the authorities in my country and in the country where it is based and to international organisations. If any more of you people have been treated the same way or a like, just drop me an inbox, the more we are the more likely it is for them to face justice. UPDATE: Proof of Credits (Trade history of my Poloniex with LBRY credits): One of many conversations pointing towards me being dishonest (which I am not, I have been accused time after time) I got banned 3 times trying just to get an explanation under one very brief conversation: *after trying to communicate further, they all took me as a joke, 7 from the development team.

*More proof coming later *I have lost 2 years work. Spent 4 months trying to recover the 20k LBC lost, now I hope people get the truth on this coin. (I am not to be held responsible for the loss, since I did not provoke for it's happening whatsoever on the contrary it was the underdeveloped software safety. *I have been constantly jumped by the lbry team, I have also heard things like 'What are you going to do about it?' And 'No PR is bad PR right?' About me sharing my story, I have been wrongfully treated as a villain for months, almost everyone in the team is incapable of discussion and has continuously showed very bad temper and behaviour, this is why I recommend no one to enter this coin, NOT because it STOLE my money, it is because the community is a bad one, I have been active as well as investing as well as just observing and everything about the coin, I write this for YOU people and for ME in the future because I will take legal action. *Here the developer 'Owner of LBRY coin' as it says on his Slack.

Have banned me over 5 times himself on slack, without me saying anything wrong. Here he confessed to the coin being unreliable and also to believing my story and will to pay 10k Credits just to get me of the forums and reddit. They banned me shortly after, they think I have 0 images. Well, I have screenshot a lot of things, now they speak to me in a whole different manner. In fact Josh Finer (Owner of LBRY) Stopped answering me, I was just about to screenshot of the whole while writing this here you are reading, before I got banned once again, I never said anything bad, I just said like 'Hello, Are you there?

Can you answer please? I would like to talk to you' etc. Many messages, now I think because I wrote like 10th time in 1 week he banned me again. I want to claim nothing but my right. Just a few minutes ago, I tried getting a message to Josh Finer, he banned me 3 more times. And also deleted all messages banned over 10-15 more times today, So banned in total maybe 70+ times at least if not 100+. If you look at the last 3 members joined the room, they are all me.

(Sattal, etc.) No messages. *Update, I have got some support from people but also a lot of people see it from a narrow biased perspective to protect the LBRY team from what they call 'Slander' well. What Is A ZenCash ZEN Mining Machine on this page. I lost my life savings, because of, as I keep saying they say it's my fault, and keep saying while I just keep thinking 'IM SO TIRED OF THOSE COMMENTS', I know that there are many trolls so it's ok I guess. Read this, this is the final conclusion very simple put 'THE LBRY SOFTWARE DELETED MY WALLET, I DID NOT DO IT, SO BACKUP IS NOT MY FAULT' *I can't write comments, I appreciate you taking it easy on me with negativity because I can not defend myself.

You are in control of your private key and address, this is like your bank card, except you cant get a replacement card. If you lose this card and you forget your pin, your bank didn't steal your money, you lost access to your money be losing that information. Your money still exists in your wallet, if you never regain the private key nobody will ever be able to touch your money, it's removed from circulation. If you are able to recover your lost private key and address you'll regain access to your funds.

This is why backing up the wallet is very important you, if you lose a backup of this information no big deal, if you only have one copy of the info and lose that, you're SOL. In a decentralized world you can't expect to come into a slack channel and accuse, threaten and insult the team for your own mistakes. Besides the fact that this might or might not even be true, nobody, not even in a centralized world, would ever reimburse you for your own mistakes. We tried to help you in the past but you were never able to simply accept your own faults and kept on accusing us for something that ONLY happened to you. If you mess with crypto and a lot of money, perhaps it'd be clever to do it in a safe way. You're obviously free to do it unsafely but learn to take your responsibilities. Let us remind you that LBRY is yet to come out in public beta, one would usually be careful with money when playing with beta products.

So please, if you're just a random bystander reading this thread, keep in mind that there is always a second version of the story, and his version certainly omits his lack of competences in handling money and lack of respect in trying to receive support. I feel like we've already lost too many hours caring about you and your rudeness, so let us continue developing this product for people that care and respect it. Greetings, Nikooo777 disclaimer: I am a moderator and not part of the official LBRY team.

How do I mine LBRY credits? Library Credits (LBC) are mined over a 20-year Proof of Work period. Block rewards increase every 100 blocks by 1LBC, peak at 500, and decline slowly. LBRY mining is dominated by the GPU market and we don't see CPU mining as economically viable at this point.

If you still want to CPU mine to help the network, see instructions below. For GPU mining, please see our list of.

Each pool has a slightly different setup so please check their Getting Started page. We can also provide mining assistance via the #mining channel on.

Note: Sgminer is for AMD GPU Cards and CCminer is for Nvidia GPU Cards For CPU mining, LBRY binaries are out for OS X, Windows, and Ubuntu. Others may try compiling from source. You can download the latest binaries CPU Mining on Ubuntu • unzip the binaries, and cd into the directory containing them •./lbrycrdd -server -printtoconsole -gen • If you need to start over, run rm -rf lbry* ~/.lbry*. Note: this will delete your wallet and any credits you may have. CPU Mining on macOS • unzip the binaries, and cd into the directory containing them • mkdir ~/Library/Application Support/lbrycrd • sudo chown -R '$(whoami)' ~/Library/Application Support/lbrycrd • echo -e 'rpcuser=lbryrpc nrpcpassword=$(env LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 ~/Library/Application Support/lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf •./lbrycrdd -server -printtoconsole -gen • If you need to start over, run rm -rf lbry* ~/.lbry ~/Library/Application Support/lbrycrd. Note: this will delete your wallet and any credits you may have. Compiling Join us on if you need help compiling from source!

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